Sozosei (Sō-zō-say): Creativity

A catalyst for ideas that nurture
creative solutions for healthier communities.

The Sozosei Foundation was established in 2019 as a philanthropic arm of Otsuka. The name Sozosei means “creativity” in Japanese. Our Japanese heritage is manifest in the Foundation’s fundamental values and day-to-day operations. We are guided by a spirit of “Jissho,” or “proof through execution,” as we employ our unique assets and skills to contribute to building healthier communities.

The Foundation’s primary focus is to increase access to mental healthcare in order to eliminate the inappropriate use of jails and prisons for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness in the United States. 

Our Philosophy Focuses Us

Three principles shape the ethos of our philanthropy. To ensure that our giving is meaningful and effective, initiatives must live up to these principles:

1. Community-driven: ensuring programs and policies are developed by and for the people they seek to support;

2. Original: taking an innovative and data-driven approach toward problem solving; and


3. Sustainable: cultivating the circumstances and motivation necessary for long-term, self-supported success.